Metamorphosis. </3

          Grete is more complex to the other characters because she is more involved with Gregor and tends to him more in the story. The relationship between the Gregor and Grete is a love and hate relationship. Grete loves him because he is her brother and has known him for as long as she has been around. On the other hand she is tired of tending to his needs and really does not like seeing him as an insect. She finally snaps toward the end of the story and gives up on him. The characters care about each other. Grete shows her care when she attempts to take care of Gregor in his time of need. Gregor shows his care(as well as he can) when he attempts to show his sister he is liking her music when she is playing. There relationship is a strain due to the Metamorphosis. It is like the theme because such a small relationship is and can be over looked and can shrink due to inconvinences. The scope of the story allows the author to establish purpose and point from each character. It gives the reader the opinion of each character which allows us to learn more and understand the changing attitudes of these characters.The way the flow of the story is it allows us, the reader, to focus on the main problem in the story and to gain ideas and information on a characters opinion while reading. It allows us to adjust to attitudes in the story as well.

Grasshopper Q&A

1) The man watching the kids is the narrator. It says as I watch and other things like this.
2) The grasshopper represents the average person while the bell cricket is someone special that means something to another person.
3) Yes the final paragraphs states the theme. I would have been more obvious, but I like how the author does it.

Love Medicine Q & A

1) I think Lipsha becomes more caring toward his grandparents and more thankful. The story may show patience and love on his behalf.
2) The expression love medicine takes on the meaning of a touch and of a more spiritual thing. Lipsha’s touch was a form of love medicine and so was the hearts supposedly. It also took on the affect of true love through the grandmaw and grandpaw. The phrase basically describes the story’s theme. Love medicine is all around us if we are truly in love.
3) They are off subject but also on subject if that makes sense. It’s relative to the main point of love an itsdrastic ways. They arise expectations by foreshadowing events. They add to the rising action to produce a climax. They help show Lipsha and his true character. It shows they are very spiritual and loving people. Yes. They relate to love.

Old man and wings Q & A

1) This is an apt description because it refers to the angel and also states information about the child. It’s ironic because the old man is actually an angel. Also because the story is for more mature readers.
2) All the characters in the story have a different view point on the angel. For example the priest doesn’t believe it’s an angel but the village lady does. They arrive on these interpretations by means of looks and stories of the angel. They are only about superficial parts of judging someone. Many people usually “judge a book by a cover.”
3) They were impressed and also amazed by the out landish and almost alien like man. They cease to care anymore when something more extraordinary comes along. She was tired of the attention and having to care for the angel. The insights that are displayed are patience and tolerance.

The Birth-Mark questions

1)It wouldn’t make a difference if the shape was different. It was the mark not the shape. It’s more red when she is pale. It disappears when she blushes.I belies it represents imperfections in the physical way. Also the mans opinion on imperfections.
2) The man wants perfection. The statues were meant to sand for the perfect woman. It is ironic because she is perfect except for the mark.
3) The setting contributes to the setting by giving examples and details. It shows how in depth the laboratory is and how the boudoir is like a dungeon. It helps represent the inner thought of the man. That how it is part of an allegory reading.

The Lady with the Dog questions

1) I believe the author waits till this moment to set a mood and show description and detail to the setting. The author is trying to show the readers how romantic it really is.
2) The weather and season contributes to tone and mood. It also depicts how and where the two characters hang out and meet. During the winter they were forced indoors is an example.
3) Gurovs attitude was laid back and in a way non emotionally attached to Anna. Anna is an emotional wreck thoughout the story. Gurovs emotions aren’t as on display as much. You can still tell that he is having internal conflict over the situation.

Barn Burning questions

1. Abner is a firey hot tempered farmer. He is driven by the disobedience and disrespect he has towards the people that tick him off. The only thing admirable about him is his live for his work and passion for family. The narrators point of view makes me respect Abner more because he is kind of like me.
2. Sarty is characterized as a curious but respectful child. The story gives insights in to how Sarty will act in the future by giving brief thoughts and actions. Sarty stays curious and uneasy throughout the story but in the end he finally makes a decision to go against the father. He changes due to the fact he knows what his father is doing is wrong.
3. The minor characters through out the story contribute to plot and also give explanations and examples asto why some thing are going on throughout the story.

Questions about character

1. There can be more than one protagonist in a story. A protagonist is a character in a story that works against the antagonist in a story. There can be more than one because there are so many characters in a work. Main characters are the protagonist and antagonist while minor characters are characters that have minor parts in stories.
2. Protagonist are main characters in story and are working towards or for a particular goal. Protagonist usually are looking for betterment of certain ideas. Motivation of a character can be many things such as morals and ideas. The thoughts and actions cause conflict.
3. Character dialogue and actions help reveal stuff about characters. The actions may depict how a story or characters thoughts are interpreted. My view on a character doesn’t change.
4. Roles of other characters help change plot and theme. Function of antagonist is to defy a protagonist. The story would lose theme and plot if other characters were left out. Authors illustrate different points depending on story and cenario.
5. We admire with protagonist. We view antagonist negatively. They are the opposing force against the main character.
6. Yes both aspects change. Throughout the plot of the story.
7. It can be both depending on story. We get different ideas also deepen on story!

Questions about narrators!

1. Depends on who is telling the story.
2. The past. Yes it helps determine more details on objects and actions.
3. Narrators use distinctive things yes.
4. A narrator can be a character depending on story type.
5. In some cases he/she may.
6. It depends on how in depth the narrator or author tells about characters.
7. Shifts due to plot change.
8. It differs in ways but also has similarities!!

The jewelry!

1. The 5 thing that correspond from The Jewelery to plot is as follows.

Exposition- meeting the wife and M. Lantin.
Rising action- the love between the two and the the abrupt death.
Climax- when he discovers the value of the jewelry and he makes all the money.
Falling action- this occurs when he starts spending the money and moves on with life.
Resolution- this happens at the end when he re-marries.

2. Once the secret of the jewelry is exposed many things take up more significance. The first thing that pops out is how her mom was basically throwing her daughter at men with money. The next thing was when Ms. Lantin went to the theatre by herself. This was odd back then to go without a spouse. The final thing that sticks out was how she never wanted to take off her jewelry. Obviously she knew it was expensive.

3. I was very surprised that he could move on so easily after his wife passed. My expectation was he wouldn’t be able to sell her material items she held so dearly. I also never expected him to remarry. It change my interpretation by showing me that even though small, all details are important in a work of literature. When he remarries I realize that obviously money was more important.